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Ben Morgan is an on-air anchor on the KRMG Morning News with Dan Potter. He likes classic rock, pro wrestling, and live theater.
In-depth topics from the KRMG Morning News with Dan Potter on 102.3 KRMG Tulsa's News & Talk.
Tulsa Mayor Monroe Nichols joins the KRMG Morning News with Dan Potter
Tulsa Mayor Monroe Nichols joins the KRMG Morning News with Dan Potter
Tulsa Mayor Monroe Nichols joins the KRMG Morning News with Dan Potter!
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The fire started last Monday at Gem Dirt near West 101st Street and Highway 75.
Nearly two weeks since the destructive fires in local counties, several are still trying to make needed repairs to fire and tanker trucks.
The project originally started as a way to change the accessibility for downtown Sapulpa. Now, it’s making the downtown area more walkable and accessible for those with disabilities.
Mayor Nichols said that Luke Ledoux was leading his pothole crew when he saw smoke coming from someone’s garage, and rescued a man and his disabled daughter from the burning building.
Around 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Tulsa Police say there was some kind of a dispute between two men in the parking lot of the QT near 11th and Garnett. They say that the dispute led to shots being fired, and one of the men being hit.
The juveniles were taken into custody and the owner of the vehicle was contacted. Police said the parents of the boys arrived at the scene and were shocked at the discovery of their children’s actions.
“We have some volunteers out here handing out emergency supplies for people who need stuff to clean up. Rakes, shovels, gloves, sifters - fire damage is different, you have to sift through ashes to find things,” said Matt Trotter with the American Red Cross.
Christopher and Kourtany allegedly told deputies the 1-year-old child ingested liquid opioids the day before. Both claimed they turned their back ‘for a second’ when the child ingested the medicine, but she was still breathing so they didn’t seek medical treatment. They found her unresponsive the next morning.
They will be at the Mannford High School Commons again on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Last week, back-to-back deadly shootings led to a chase that ended with a shootout with police.