Dear Gardening Friend,
I hope you enjoy this list of top vegetable, flower, fruit, and herb seed catalog companies. Some specialize in particular plant types such as herbs or tomatoes, others only offer only organically grown open-pollinated heirloom seeds, but most will provide thousands of varieties for you to choose from. Good luck with your gardening this year, and if you ever have questions about your garden, lawn, or landscape, just call me on Saturdays on AM 740 and FM 102.3 News talk KRMG!
-Allan Storjohann
Vegetable Seed Catalogs
- Annie’s Heirloom Seeds, Supplier of heirloom and organic seeds, bulk seeds, live plants, and gardening supplies. Web site: www.anniesheirloomseeds.com
- Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds 2278 Baker Creek Road Mansfield, MO 65704 (866) 653-7333 www.rareseeds.com
- Botanical Interests Seed Catalog, 660 Compton St. Broomfield, CO, 80020 877-821-4340 web site; www.botanicalinterests.com
- Burgess Seed & Plant Co., 1804 E. Hamilton Rd. Bloomington, IL 61704; Telephone: (309) 662-7761; Fax: (309) 663-6691; Web site: EBurgess.com/
- W. Atlee Burpee & Co., 300 Park Avenue, Warminster, PA 18991; Telephone: (800) 888-1447; Web site: www.burpee.com.
- D. Landreth Seed Co., P.O. Box 6398, Baltimore, MD 21230; Telephone: (800) 654-2407; E-mail: seeds@landrethseeds.com; Web site: www.landrethseeds.com. Founded in 1784, this is the oldest seed house in the United States. Catalog: $2.00.
- Earl May Seed & Nursery, Shenandoah, IA 51603; Telephone: (800) 831-4193. Web site: www.earlmay.com.
- Fedco Seeds, PO Box 520, Clinton, ME 04927, 207-426-9900, Great selection of vegetable, flower, and herb seeds. Web site: www.fedcoseeds.com
- Ferry-Morse Seed Company, P.O. Box 1620, Fulton KY 42041; Telephone: (800) 283-6400; Fax: (800) 283-2700; Web site: www.ferry-morse.com Note: catalog is online only.
- Gurney’s Seed and Nursery Co. Specializing in vegetable and flower seeds, gardening supplies, nursery stock, fruit trees and berries. Web site: www.gurneys.com
- Harris Seeds, P.O. Box 24966, Rochester, NY 14692-0966; Telephone: (800) 514-4441; Fax: (877) 892-9197; Web site: www.harrisseeds.com. Retail or wholesale quantities.
- Johnny’s Selected Seeds, 184 Foss Hill Road, Albion, ME 04910-9731; Telephone orders: (207) 437-4301; Fax: (800) 437-4290; E-mail: homegarden@johnnyseeds.com; Web site: www.johnnyseeds.com.
- J.W. Jung Seed Co., 335 S. High St., Randolph, WI 53957-0001; Telephone: (800) 297-3123; Fax: (800) 692-5864; Web site: www.jungseed.com.
- Nichols Garden Nursery, 1190 N. Pacific Highway, Albany, OR 97321-4598; Telephone: (541) 928-9280; Fax: (800) 231-5306; Web site: www.nicholsgardennursery.com. Herbs, rare seeds, and more.
- Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc.,121 Gary Road, Hodges SC 29653; Telephone: (800) 622-7333; Fax: (864) 227-5108; Web site: www.twilleyseed.com; E-mail: twilley@emeraldis.com.
- Park Seed Company, 1 Parkton Ave., Greenwood, SC 29649; Telephone: (800) 213-0076; Web site: www.parkseed.com; E-mail: info@parkseed.com.
- Pinetree Garden Seeds, Specialize in vegetable, flower, and herb seeds specially packaged for home gardeners. Web site: www.superseeds.com
- Renee’s Garden Seed, 6060 Graham Hill Rd. Felton, CA 95018, 888-880-7228, web site, www.reneesgarden.com. Great heirloom, gourmet vegetable, flower and herb seeds!
- Rohrer Seeds, 2472 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602, A great selection of heirloom varieties, organically grown see, and the latest introductions. www.rohrerseeds.com
- R.H. Shumway’s, P.O. Box 1, Graniteville, SC 29829-0001; Telephone: (803) 663-9771; Fax: (888) 437-2733; Web site: www.rhshumway.com
- Select Seeds, Extensive and curated collection of high-quality flower seeds and plants, specializing in heirloom flowers, fragrant flowers, open-pollinated annuals, bee-friendly flower seeds, and plants, vines, and rare annuals and perennials. Web site: www.selectseeds.com
- Stokes Seeds Inc., Box 548, Buffalo, NY 14240-0548; Telephone: (800) 396-9238, Fax: (888) 834-3334; E-mail: stokes@stokeseeds.com; Web site: www.stokeseeds.com
- Territorial Seed Company, A great resource for vegetables, flowers, herbs, garlic, potatoes, fruits, and vines. Plus a great garden planning web page! Web site: www.territorialseed.com
- Thompson & Morgan Inc., P.O. Box 1308, Jackson, NJ 08527-0308; Telephone: (800) 274-7333; Fax: (888) 466-4769; E-mail: tminc@thompson-morgan.com; Web site: www.thompson-morgan.com.
- Veseys Seeds, Enormous selection of vegetable varieties, old and new. www.veseys.com
- Willhite Seed Inc., P.O. Box 23, Poolville, TX 76487; Telephone: (800) 828-1840; Fax: (817) 599-5843; Web site: www.willhiteseed.com. Watermelon specialists.
Specialty Seed Companies
- Dixondale Farms, P.O. Box 129, Carrizo Springs, TX 78834-6129; Telephone: (877) 367-1015; Fax (888) 876-9640; Web site: www.dixondalefarms.com. Specializing in onion transplants since 1913.
- Filaree Farm, 83 Epley Road, Omak, WA 98841; Telephone: (509) 422 6940, E-mail: filaree@northcascades.net; Web site: www.filareefarm.com. Garlic catalog and research journal.
- Fungi Perfecti, P.O. Box 7634, Olympia, WA 98507; Telephone: (800) 780-9126; Fax: (360) 426-9377; E-mail: ; Web site: www.fungi.com. Kits and supplies for growing mushrooms.
- High Mowing Organic Seeds 813 Brook Road Wolcott, VT 05680 Telephone: (802) 888-1800 - Website: highmowingseeds.com - 700 varieties of 100% Organic, non-GMO vegetable seeds
- Native Seeds/SEARCH, 526 N. 4th Ave., Tucson, AZ 85705-8450; Telephone: (520) 622-5561; Fax: (520) 622-5591; E-mail: info@nativeseeds.org; Web site: www.nativeseeds.org. A nonprofit organization geared at conserving southwest native crops and their wild relatives.
- Ornamental Edibles, 3272 Fleur de Lis Ct., San Jose, CA 95132; Telephone: (408) 929-7333; Fax: (408) 929-5775; Web site: www.ornamentaledibles.com. Ornamental specialty vegetables.
- Redwood City Seed Company, P.O. Box 361, Redwood City, CA 94064; Telephone: (650) 325-7333; Web site: www.redwoodseeds.net. Oldest alternative seed company; lots of unique vegetables, herbs, and flowers from around the world.
- Richters Herb Catalog, Your best source for anything herbal! www.richters.com
- Seeds of Change, P.O. Box 15700, Santa Fe, NM 87506; Telephone: (888) 762-7333; E-mail: gardener@seedsofchange.com; Web site: www.seedsofand change.com. Organic seeds, seeds from the southwest, heirloom varieties.
- Seed Savers Exchange 3076 North Winn Road Decorah, IA 52101 (563) 382-5990 www.seedsavers.org
- Seeds for the South 410 Whaley Pond Road Graniteville, SC 29829 Fax: (803) 232-1119 www.seedsforthesouth.com
- Seeds Trust 4150 B Black Oak Drive Hailey, ID 83333 (208) 788-4363 www.seedstrust.com
- Southern Exposure Seed Exchange P.O. Box 460 Mineral, VA 23117 (540) 894-9480 www.southernexposure.com 800 varieties of vegetable, flower, herb, grain, and cover crops
- Sow Organic Seed Co. P.O. Box 527 Williams, OR 97544 (888) 709-7333 www.sowtrueseed.com
- Totally Tomatoes, Great Tomato and Pepper varieties along with many other vegetables. www.totallytomato.com 800-345-5977, 334 W. Stroud Street, Randolph, WI 53956
- Tomato Growers Supply Company, P.O. Box 2237, Ft. Myers, FL 33902; Telephone: (888) 478-7333; Fax: (888) 768-3476; Web site: www.tomatogrowers.com. Tomatoes new, old, and unusual.
- Vermont Bean Seed Co., Garden Lane, Fair Haven, VT 05743; Telephone: (803) 663-0217; Fax (888) 500-7333; Web site: www.vermontbean.com. Heirloom beans and other vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
Sources for Fruit Trees and Plants
- Adams County Nursery - various fruit tree types - excellent G.WD. rating - www.acnursery.com
- Bay Laurel Nursery - multiple types of fruit and nut trees and plants - very good G.WD. rating - www.baylaurelnursery.com
- Big Horse Creek Farm - apple trees - excellent G.WD. rating - www.bighorsecreekfarm.com
- Blossom Nursery - pawpaw trees & seeds - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - www.blossomnursery.com
- Bob Wells Nursery - multiple fruit and nut trees and plants - very good G.WD. rating - www.bobwellsnursery.com
- Boyer Nurseries & Orchards, Inc. - multiple types of fruit trees and plants and nut trees - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - www.boyernurseries.com
- Burnt Ridge Nursery - various types of fruit - very good G.WD. rating - www.burntridgenursery.com
- Century Farm Orchards - apple and pear trees - limited, excellent G.WD. rating, knowledgeable and helpful owner - www.centuryfarmorchards.com
- Cloud Mountain Farm - various types of fruit & impressive selection of other plants - excellent G.WD. rating - www.cloudmountainfarm.com
- England’s Orchard & Nursery - nut, persimmon, pawpaw, jujube, and Asian pear trees - limited excellent G.WD. rating - Nuttrees.net
- Finch Blueberries - blueberries - OK G.WD. rating - Finchblueberrynursery.com
- Forestfarm - huge selection of plants - excellent G.WD. rating - www.forestfarm.com
- Going Bananas - banana plants and corms - excellent G.WD. rating - www.going-bananas.com
- Grandpa’s Orchard, LLC - affiliated with Moser Fruit Tree Sales, Inc. - rootstocks and various types of fruit trees and plants - excellent G.WD. rating - grandpasorchard.com
- Greenmantle Nursery - various types of fruit - excellent G.WD. rating - www.greenmantlenursery.com
- Grover’s Blueberries - blueberries and other berry plants - very good G.WD. rating - groversblueberries.com
- Hartmann’s Plant Company - various types of fruit (mostly berries) - excellent G.WD. rating - hartmannsplantcompany.com
- Indiana Berry & Plant Co. - multiple types of small fruit and berries - excellent G.WD. rating indianaberry.com
- Ison’s Nursery & Vineyards - multiple types of fruit trees and plants (specialize in muscadines, blueberries, and blackberries) - OK G.WD. rating - Isons.com
- Johnson Nursery, Inc. - multiple types of fruit - excellent G.WD. rating - johnsonnursery.com
- Just Fruits and Exotics - multiple types of fruit trees and plants - excellent G.WD. rating - justfruitsandexotics.com
- Krohne Plant Farms Inc. - strawberries and asparagus - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - Facebook.com/krohneplantfarms/
- Morse Nursery - various types of fruit - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - Morsenursery.com
- Nolin River Nut Tree Nursery - persimmon, pawpaw, & multiple types of nut trees - excellent G.WD. rating - Nolinnursery.com
- Nourse Farms Inc. - berries and small fruit - excellent G.WD. rating - Noursefarms.com
- OIKOS Tree Crops - multiple types of fruit and nut trees and plants - excellent G.WD. rating - Oikostreecrops.com
- Peaceful Valley Farm Supply - various types of fruit trees and plants - good G.WD. rating - Groworganic.com
- Raintree Nursery - multiple types of fruit trees and plants - good G.WD. rating - Raintreenursery.com
- Rolling River Planting Justice Nursery - multiple types of fruit and nut trees and plants (impressive selection) - excellent G.WD. rating - Plantingjustice.org/
- Rombough, Lon J. - grapes - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - Bunchgrapes.com
- Simmons Plant Farm - blueberries, various berries, grapes, etc - excellent G.WD. rating - Simmonsplantfarm.com
- Stark Brothers Nurseries & Orchards Company - various fruit trees and plants - OK/good G.WD. rating - Starkbros.com
- Trees of Antiquity (formerly Sonoma Antique Apple Nursery) - multiple types of fruit trees and plants - excellent G.WD. rating - Treesofantiquity.com
- Whitman Farms - small-fruit plants and trees and nut trees - excellent G.WD. rating - Whitmanfarms.com
- Womack Nursery Co. - multiple fruit and nut trees and plants - very good G.WD rating - Womacknursery.com
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